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- Dev Singh: sir u change my life ,which i can thnk before. thank again.
- shweta garg: Where are you based? How to take meri n workout plans from u?
- pritam pradhan: Please make video on my fitness peanut butter
- Narinder paul singh: anterior pelvic tilt pe bnaye sir plz
- nischay rathore: His accent gave me cancer
- Ankit Suman: firoz sheikh bas toh kar bhai... he is in California
- firoz sheikh: benanya ???? 😕 hindi bol de Bhai kyu English ki aise taise kar rah
- M Talal Saleem: Hello. Can we eat this toast in KETO DIET. ?
- Bhupendra Atal: Ise khane se kya fayeda hoga sir ji
- zues singh: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
- Ankit Sharma: Get over that fabricated accent dude.
- Ayushi Jalan: All natural Teddie Peanut butter. The only ingredients being Peanuts and a bit of salt. It is available on amazon india. It is a century old peanut butter manufactured in America. It is free from palm oil, hydrogenated oils, binders, sugar, emulsifiers etc. Shelf life is one year and its made from American peanuts. http://www.amazon.in/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=all+natural+teddie+peanut+butter&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Aall+natural+teddie+peanut+butter
- Ravi Singh: Sir i want to gain weight ...brown bread is good?
- Nimmakai Soda: breakfast
- TECHNOLOGY TRICKS: Sir hot milk k saath bhi peanut butter use kr skte h kya
- Lakshay Rohilla: can i use it as protein intake for weight loss.
- ARIF S.N: sir i need to gain my weight my hight is 6ft and weight is only 50 i wanna take advise plz how you will say i wanna do like that plz show me the way....
- Anaiba Anaiba: 😢😛😛
- Beautiful life: please don't eat milk with banana it's dangerous for health. if you not believe me find yourself in Google.
- Rahul Yadav: sir apne to kaha tha ki bread unhealthy h ??
- RJ zone: Sir please make mY diet plan Sir please make mY diet plan . my height 5'7 and my WeigHt Is now 56 kg And i want My gaining about to 70 to 75 kg . and i want also dot losE mY boudy cutting . so make it sir. but quickly
- Devesh Yadav: What about leftover half piece of 🍌🤔😅
- FRAG GABBAR: RJ zone lean mode
- shivi tw: firoz sheikh Bhai ji wo USA m rhte h accent to AA jati h .....don't act smart honey ....
- karu karthik: Hi guru Mann It's biscuits are okay to eat please make on video for biscuits and snakes Thanks Karthik from U.K.
- Shivam Chaturvedi: Can you please review dr.oetker peanut butter
- kareem: Kya hum recepie mein thoda sa garlic ginger paste add kar sakthe hai?
- Rashid Mehdi: Hi Sir Mai Aj penut butter k liye Super Market m gaya tha.. but mai confudion hu 100% pure natural butter kaise milega...I mean kaise pata chalega... maine Dekha Penut butter different favour m tha....
- Amrit Cheema: Thankyou
- Thiru malai: i am eating food for breakfast is bread and spread of peanut butter with banana and 1 teaspoon p honey..but i took only one bread for gaining wait and 4 eggs lunch with meals and 1 cup milk at the time of eve..and nit is meals with dates..forgot to say i took marinate almonds in breakfast IS THIS GOING TO GAIN WEIGHT TO MY BODY???
- Manpreet GurJar: sir weight loss ke liye bhi shi rhega kya ye breakfast ...
- Hoodle Doodle: bro my trainer told me to not eat peanut butter because peanut butter se me mota ho jaunga ..so if peanut butter have fat then how will it help us to loss weight???
- Ashwani Kumar Singh: which peanut butter brand best in india
- gk s: Rahul Yadav ye wheat bread h
- Artist Amit: sir home made peanut butter ki recipe batao kisi video me plz..
- Alpha AJ.: +Health And Fitness Every Recipe is awesome... You are the Best Nutritionalist !!! Thumbs Up 👍🏻
- Sameer Khan: Thanks alots, i m proud of you!
- Kankani Singh: Ise kab kha sakte hai
- Pankaj Bajaj: Guru Prabhu 😂😂😂😂jhopadpatti
- Manish Rana: name bta do ya logo bhej do
- shaikh sadique: very informative. keep the good work guru maan
- Khusdeep sruchi: Sir bhut logg kehte he ki aggr dud ke sath hm banana khaye tu thore hmm fatty hojate he is it right?
- Jatin Bharadwaj: wow...you are very helpful guru mann sir love this recipe!!!
- Satendra Chauhan: Can I take peanut butter if I have gall bladder stone
- OFFICIAL RAPPER: It's not good for health because I was 60 kg and after eating all this things my weight is now 75 I have eat only one slice of bread daily and it makes me fat guys don't eat all these things it's good for weight gain not for fat loss
- himanshu rajput: +Mr. Andaaz haha
- The Soloist 01: Learn to spk English you bitch can't understand anything your saying
- Rvshvsh: naviverma1 Both are bad for you. Cus they are full creamed. You should buy the skimmed or almond milk. It will be great for you. A glass of Cow's milk contains 300 kcal. But at the same time Almond milk contains 47 kcals.
- Sagar Bhalerao: White bread unhealthy hota hei Bhai.. this is brown bread
- prateek A: which company gives pure honey ??
- Anaiba Anaiba: 😀😀😀
- ik ika: he is the only athlete n trainer whos video r short. tryn youtube others r borning
- puneet rajawat: Sir nutrition itna hoga issmye
- Chechnyan Martyr: Teach me how to cook some curry.
- Cat lover Antu: Hahha same here
- Shujat Haider: Thanks sir..!!!
- Sunil Gunagi: bhai mereko mota honeka bhai kuch hai kaya plz bolna aapka msg keliye Wait karr rhau
- Code Softly: Manish Rana I make at home myself.. Search Natural Peanut butter receipe on youtube and you will get 100s of video.. just avoid adding salt during the process (olive oil + honey can be added)... also you can add less than half a spoon of salt if you want to make it test a little better.. if won't harm you..
- Anmol Kandwal: Mrzaa phir bc
- Anaiba Anaiba: Pehli nzr pre to mne b soch k ya guru man sir washing machine k pas healthy breakfast recipie qun bta ra ha jb owen pa nzr pre to smjhe k ub washing machine or owen ka to koi comprzn nae wel amazing 👌👌👌👌👌👌 sir
- Priya Sonekar: Sir can i take milk before workout???
- Asiful Islam: Washing machine with mosquito coil !
- Anuj Khare: Mr. Andaaz 😘😘😘😘😍😍😍
- Nimmakai Soda: cut the honey.. even better
- Omkar Todankar: hey
- Vikas Nandan: Thanks for your effort to make us healthy ....I'm always following ur all instructions..Nd do the same in gym
- Adeel Ali: I try this I love it
- salman goat farm: Milk k jagah green tea lay sakte hai sir
- Shital Rai: 😀😀
- Chashme Bahaddur: Rashid Mehdi Rashid... u can make peanut butter at home... all u need to grind roasted peanuts with some salt n lil sugar and few drops of oil... grind till u get smooth butter like paste.
- simarpreet singh: Like in all videos and recipes u r pretty much focusing on indian people and things available to them.right?den y dun u suggest 100 % honey , 100 % natural peanut butter and 100 % whole wheat bread we can buy in indian market as we r indian not living in USA...hope u reply back soon..
- Raman Desai: This is a quick recipe.....I will have it tomorrow morning. Thanks once again
- Gurgaon Riders: i want to be a personal trainer plzz tell me the best fitness acadmey in india?
- farajul banka: I like the way you introduce yourself....Also Guru you always give excellent tips, really like it...!!
- Khusdeep sruchi: Sir aggr hmmm dud ko avoid krre iske sath to chlega kya?
- Manoj Karki: Thanks for this.
- AnonymousTV: VRAPPER RAJ u dumb ass..its becuz u ate bread...bread isnt healthy...he evn says peanut butter has fat..it has healthy fat..if its healtht it doednt mean u have to eat it everyday....
- TheChivo: why the banana is always half in every recipe video i watch.
- Pulkit R Awasthi: Ayushi Jalan Is Nutella good ?
- naviverma1: sir kindly answer which is better milk cow's or buffalo's
- Ricardo Blanquel: Lol
- Sumann paramathma: so all these days i was spelling it wrong... its benana not banana
- Sachin Thakur: I also like ur introduce by yourself
- Rinkal Malhotra: vry yummy
- illuminati Gaming: this is it best peanut butter in india http://www.amazon.in/PINTOLA-Natural-Peanut-Butter-Crunchy/dp/B06XFSSDNH/ref=sr_1_4?s=grocery&ie=UTF8&qid=1492864495&sr=1-4&keywords=peanut+butter
- Guru Mann Fitness: Get Teddie Natural peanut butter
- maxy1337: Tried it, very tasty
- Guru Mann Fitness: Nature nates
- baljit singh: thankss sir
- Akash Vanvaria: How much amount of good/unsaturated fat is good for us?
- Anaiba Anaiba: Hhhahahahaha
- Celeste Carlo Lizarraga: 😂😂😂😂
- Arbaaz Ansar Khan: Celeste Carlo Lizarraga ????
- Praveen K: Is eating peanut butter daily good for health?
- Rahul Upadhyay: Jo bacha hua half banana hai usey fek dain yah kuch aur bana sakte hain usse bhi ?
- Akshay Sharma: himanshu verma you are shaming yourself by using such language
- FRAG GABBAR: first pure mass than lean mode
- L e i l a: What can i eat instead of banana
- Tech guy: Ashar Jamal
- Vipsshah ramniklal shah: thnkx
- AVG Group Pranks: Thnxx My Borther Guru👍
- Vinay Kumar: sir ...your i'm biggest fAn
- Rest Revolution: As long as you don't fry it in a stick of butter like Elvis! :)
- A.B Loin: +Health And Fitness sir plz btaye squat sy fat kesy drop kro plzz plz plzz plz
- yuri naro: subscribed
- ayush NEGI: How much should I use I'm of 14 yrs
- Hitesh Vadhel: Mascular 8 mein ye snack add kar sakte hain
- harpreet singh virdi: Sir what about mix fruit jam with brown bread
- Code Softly: nischay rathore If you understand him he will save you from Cancer.
- Amit Khorwal: I like your dessi cutting style 😀👍
- VERMA STUDIOS: can I use it as snack in 6 week shredded program I don't have whey can't afford it please say
- Arun Malik: Bai Dr oetker penut butter k bare mein btao
- Ranjit Singh: 👍👍👍👍👍❤❤❤
- arjun viswanath: Dont try too much to get that accent..
- Zahra Khan: ☝👍
- YoManBukka: my body fat is 18 and weight is 74. so how many slices of bread should I have?
- Qaus A: I thought it was washing machine
- Ajinkya Tifanbane: Is it good for post workout
- Aum Patnaik: +Code Softly lmao!! nice
- ANJANI BATEN: bro Itne brack fast se kya banta
- T- C ries: In one of your vedio u r telng dnt eat bread bcs it causes cancer .... N in ths vedio u r using bread https://youtu.be/r0AMX_S5UYA
- Sunish Shivneel: Better fat loss meal is don't eat anything
- Ayushi Jalan: Dr Oetkar is not good, it contains palm oils and hydrogenated oils along with Sugar. As Guru Mann suggests get a peanut butter without any oils or sugars. The only option in India is All natural Teddie Peanut butter. The only ingredients being Peanuts and a bit of salt. It is available on amazon india. It is a century old peanut butter manufactured in America. It is free from palm oil, hydrogenated oils, binders, sugar, emulsifiers etc. Shelf life is one year and its made from American peanuts. http://www.amazon.in/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=all+natural+teddie+peanut+butter&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Aall+natural+teddie+peanut+butter
- zeeshan sahil: how is ciocolat with bred in mornig
- Mjaffar Mehdi: brain k blood clot ko kam karne wala nutrition. aur. blood ma cholesterol. ko kaise kam kare
- Guru Mann Fitness: Teddie natural peanut butter
- Waseem Khan: Nice bhai
- Manish Rana: sir kon sa peanut Butter use kru
- Shubham Divekar: thanks sir am proud of you as a indian
- Sajid Khan: Office jane k liya ank nai kulti bhai suba suba ya sab banana kahanse hoga isheliya 4 slice khali brown lerahahu kafi hai na ?
- Health And Fitness: Fine if its non fried.
- Killer: bhenke lavde jawab to de guru mann
- Balivada Srikanth: keep it in refrigerator use that again in next meal ;-0 ;-)
- Prakhar Jain: madarchod ho yr sb k ab uski English ki baat kr di gaav ka h kya tu
- Taimoor Nasir: Sir can you please cnfrm what is the best time to eat peanut butter if i want to gain weight Should i take it before workout or after workout?
- faisal bamer: Bro banana we fat aata na
- Haryana Wala: your videos are too long
- imran khan: Pretty Good and Unique,easy Way of Explanation,. Happy for That.
- Guru Mann Fitness: Get teddie natural peanut butter and Nature Nates honey
- Jassi Gill: Me too
- Sameenakumbar Sam: Sr ap bahubali ke hero jaise lagte hai...like prabhas
- SSC CGL EXAM: bread toast krna jruri hai sir?
- Mjaffar Mehdi: guru bhai meri aunty ko. brain ma blood clot hova hai. aur uske waja se stoke b aYa hai. kuch aise log k liye nutrition. program banayee plz
- Adi tya: Forever
- Arjun Ghadigaonkar: does effece tea on our body ..tell me plz
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Peanut Butter Banana Bread Toast: Fat Loss Recipe | Health and Fitness Tips | Guru Mann | |
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Sports | Upload TimePublished on 17 Feb 2014 |
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