Meal 1 - Breakfast | Recovery Day Nutrition | Guru Mann 6 Week Shredded Program - spider solitaire game

Thứ Ba, 5 tháng 3, 2019

Meal 1 - Breakfast | Recovery Day Nutrition | Guru Mann 6 Week Shredded Program

  1. Manu Mathew: On recovery days should i not take any whey protein shake?
  2. Chetan Agarwal: wat can i use instead of eggs?
  3. Discounted Adventures: Hi Guru mann... I wanted to ask you that in the shopping list on your website for 6 week shredded program, you have listed Fish oil Capsules. But in the meal plans there is no refference as to when are we suppose to eat them...! Can you please advise on this...?
  4. anil pakhare: hi sir I m big fan of you every two three day i m watching your fitness program and i really like it
  5. rahul rana: SOMAN CHOUHAN follow lean mode
  6. Ahsan Haroon Butt: i have digestive problem plx give me some tips or video if u can make it easily help me im very thankful to u sir
  7. Health And Fitness: doesn't matter As long as u workout u have to take whey but u can stop taking xpand.
  8. pratham aggarwal: dear gurumann kindly upload recovery day meal for muscular 8
  9. Naresh Chandra: Frее оnlinе vidео shows thаt еat rеааl foоd аnd still gаin reаl wеight lоss! Cliсk hеrе tо watсhit nоw. Mеаl 1 Brеаkfаst Reсоvеrу Dаy Nutritiоn Guru Маnn 6 Wеeek Shrеddеd Рrоgrаm
  10. firoz khan: Uske pese lgenge Bhai or Lena bhi pdega 😂😂
  11. siddarth sharma: Hy Guru Mann.. wat do i prepare if i cant use eggs?? 
  12. sanjay choudhary: mann.i just start your program from last 2 week. and i really feel that program.i like that.thanks guru.
  13. Harsh Wasnik: plzz give muscular 8 recovery day meal video
  14. All In One: Indian tea means milk with black tea?
  15. anil pakhare: hi sir I m big fan of you every two three day i m watching your fitness program and i really like it
  16. Zubair Mughal: hello. Greetingz from Pakistan Sir.. bin following ur plan nd now 20kgs reduced. but now trying shredded plan .. can i use white bread in recovery day breakfast ? Thanx
  17. Сергей Томан: Bеest Muscle Building Fooods: Eаt Thesе Foods To Gain Мusсle Мass Quickly Reаd hеrе nоw => Мeal 1 - Breаkfast | Recovery Dаy Nutrition | Guru Maaaann 6 Wеek Shredded РРProoоgram
  18. Inderjeet Singh: Sir plz make a video on Can we take creatine on cutting or fat loss
  19. SOMAN CHOUHAN: I am Confused between muscular8 and shredded6 !! Like which diet has to follow for the person weighted 55 and height 5'8 and age 20 ?? Can you help me out sir??? :)
  20. The Man: no idea what he said
  21. eceau1: Great work with the videos man.. Really helpful.. But what is the veggie alternative to this meal? Is a veggie omelette made in the same way but with besan any good?
  22. Sagar Kumar: i just gaining weight olny so suggest me what i do..
  23. Khimran Mehmi: Hello bro yar menu v muscular 8 recovery meal ki videos do plz
  24. Waheed Balushi: man i dont like capsicum pepper
  25. kamal arya: why we should take high carb in recovery day
  26. Afaque Ahsan: can we take dates and honey in breakfast
  27. Youtuber: once the program is complete, even then we are suppose to take all these proteins and vitamins(whey and xpand). I.e. if we don't want to increase over body mass any more. ??
  28. Khimran Mehmi: Harsh bhaji mili video
  29. Health And Fitness: If you don't eat eggs then eat whole grain cereals with non fat milk
  30. karamjit singh: sir i m pure veg plz let me know deit plan
  31. shivi tw: hii sir m ur big fan age is 26 weigth 57 kg heigth 5.4 ... diagnosed with diabetes 3 mnth before but nw it's under control my hba1c level is 6.3. unit as per report that is under gud control ...m highly motivated by ur video and want to give a gud muscular size to my body ...m really depressed with my body structure ...which plan I should join to get a gud body m confused there are number of programs in ur channel pls suggest which program I can join ...m a beginner to join gym ....pls pls pls sir ...reply it's urgent ..
  32. Utkarsh Yadav: Dude thanks for all the tips and tricks !!!! I am going to follow it and will send u a response video after 6 weeks !
  33. Aayu kushwah: .
  34. Adnan Arain: Garat gob
  35. Karthikeyan Selvaraj: I'm a lactose intolerant and lactose free milk is not available in Indian markets easily. So is there a substitute for that?
  36. Sabhi Sharma: tea has caffeine which is a drug do u take drugs man
  37. Ankush Minhas: 1 Scope whey , 100gm Chicken breast , 100gm salmon fish .
  38. Health And Fitness: Its not necessary to take whey on recovery day because its high carbs and moderate protein day. Save it for training days.
  39. Sanjay Das: recovery day supplyments use...?
  40. Mohanish Amrute: Sir first i like to thanks you for taking efforts to make India Fit. I have a problem in recovery day meals because of video are not completely show how to make recipes. Please do the needful.
  41. Rishabh raj: Dear sir, Your diet plan I think is designed for people who workout at evening! Kindly let us know what should we do if we workout at mornig!
  42. Vijit Jain: What about for vegetarians?
  43. Ankush Minhas: Almond milk !
  44. Purvi Shukla: Sabhi Sharma every indian drink tea u mean we all are drug addicts?😂😂
  45. Haroon murtaza: Utkarsh Yadav bro do you get results
  46. hamza nawaz: Good video guru mann
  47. firoz khan: Uske pese lgenge Bhai 😂😂
  48. karan Joshi: It's not veg
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Meal 1 - Breakfast | Recovery Day Nutrition | Guru Mann 6 Week Shredded Program

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